150 take (is it better a wine that costs 10€ or a wine that costs 40€? Without having tasted it, you already know the answer: once again, heuristics together with cognitive economy). The Nobel-prize winning Daniel Kahneman has carried out a wide series of searches in this regard, identifying what he named System 1 (the subconscious part of the brain, the one that makes gut decisions) and System 2 (the part persuaded to make reasonable decisions): to put it briefly, short cuts are inevitable. Therefore, even though we rationally understand that those who say sorry do it out of courtesy, less rationally we go spelunking in other scenarios within our unconscious. The hat’s over the wall 8 . - Also the second word, ‘disturb', contains little useful implications to interact: to the idea of disturb we usually connect unpleasant concepts, whatever they are. The question is that our reptilian brain takes action very quickly to escape any danger, problem or potential source of nuisance: we are biologically designed to avoid any danger, our survival as a species depends on it. Thus, a form of kindness and an obviously figurative expression turns into a warning signal frightening away those who listen to us. And more: those words also say a lot about ourselves and about the way we see ourselves too. Maybe we do really believe that our presence, or our calling, could represent a disturb? Maybe we feel guilty, so we have to say sorry? In short: even if subconsciously, introducing ourselves in that way will probably make us look kind, but certainly not credible . Being linguistically intelligent means having the freedom to choose other words to express the same concept and satisfy the same intention. In the above example, you can start the call with a « Hello, are you free now? ». A sentence of this kind will make us look very different and, be careful, it will help us to feel better. According to the so-called Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (SWH), or Hypothesis of Linguistic Relativity , our cognitive development is influenced by the language we speak. An extension of this hypothesis is that related to the cognitive dissonance : speaking in a specific way, we can condition ourselves to experience the corresponding sensations, to see portions of reality directly connected with the language itself. Changing the words with which we communicate and talk to each other, in conclusion, changes our brain and literally transforms us . It is worthwhile to select them with care.
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