regenerating by idling: focus on regenerative agriculture #ossigeno 012 re soil foundation for O12: the spoon that ensures life (and heals the soil) #ossigeno 012 aztec chinampas, custodians of biodiversity #ossigeno 012 tomorrow: the answers are written in the ground #ossigeno 012 soil and intergenerational justice. conversation with alberto pirni #ossigeno 012 the soil that cultivates water. conversation with lorenzo costa #ossigeno 012 george monbiot for O12: beneath our feet #ossigeno 012 vandana shiva for #O11: from gratitude to navdanya #ossigeno 011 freewater: the water revolution. a conversation with albert prewitt #ossigeno 011 the desertech community for #O11: water in the desert #ossigeno 011 farming and soil: the unexpected results of the do-nothing #ossigeno 010 the body and the shelter. contemporary art in defense of human rights #ossigeno 010 to imitate plants. a conversation with stefano mancuso #ossigeno 010 fighting animal testing: when activism is raised to emblem. a conversation with hilary jones, lush ethical director #ossigeno 010 ethics and competence:people turn to companies #ossigeno 09 it happens in atlanta, georgia #ossigeno 09 morality knows, morality grows #ossigeno 09 brand new ways with brand evangelism. a conversation with ynzo van zanten #ossigeno 09 mustafa sabbagh for #O9: no logo #ossigeno 09 custodians of horizons #ossigeno 09 aestheticsanaesthetics. tracklist of a pas de deux #ossigeno 09 multilevel and the fable #ossigeno 08 pear: a portrait of modesty #ossigeno 08 carob: the measure of gold #ossigeno 08 estimable and inestimable. from company profit to company value #ossigeno 08 environmental method vs. parlour enivronmentalism: some necessary steps on the road to sustainability #ossigeno 08 from sicily to hong kong, no mafia is infallible. an oxfordian conversation with federico varese #ossigeno 08 the post-pandemic care is doughnut-shaped. the economic and bioethical model by kate raworth #ossigeno 07 on pulque, violence and redemption of the lasts #ossigeno 07 the pine nut at the time of the fall of the gods #ossigeno 07 vices and virtues of a favorite: the apricot #ossigeno 07 the good inside. the excellence in prison work #ossigeno 07 breaking point: the walnut #ossigeno 06 transcendental meditation®: the still waters of a great empire, the deep waters of david lynch #ossigeno 06 standing point: mango #ossigeno 06 in the name of pasteur. new dialogues between science and fermentation #ossigeno 06 ABOUT NORSE ALCHEMIES AND TASTE TRANSMUTATIONS. THE SCANDINAVIAN TRILOGY OF FISH FERMENTATION #ossigeno 04 ENTRY FOR THE VERB “TO FERMENT” #ossigeno 02 MYOD MOON #ossigeno 02 THE AESTHETICS OF A RITUAL. KOREA ON THE TABLE #ossigeno 01 ALMONDS #ossigeno 01 SAMADHI. THE WORLD AS SÚMBOLON #ossigeno 03