the soil that cultivates water. conversation with lorenzo costa #ossigeno 012 land rights and contemporary art: conversation with carsten höller #ossigeno 012 right to water and contemporary art: a conversation with gian maria tosatti #ossigeno 011 vandana shiva for #O11: from gratitude to navdanya #ossigeno 011 freewater: the water revolution. a conversation with albert prewitt #ossigeno 011 hydraulic diptych and other stories. some conversations with frank westerman #ossigeno 011 divine drawing and human hand. a conversation with nicola mari #ossigeno 010 farming and soil: the unexpected results of the do-nothing #ossigeno 010 to imitate plants. a conversation with stefano mancuso #ossigeno 010 fighting animal testing: when activism is raised to emblem. a conversation with hilary jones, lush ethical director #ossigeno 010 brand new ways with brand evangelism. a conversation with ynzo van zanten #ossigeno 09 multilevel and the fable #ossigeno 08